Monday, July 27, 2009

so im blogging now

Ive been reading a lot of blogs and im kind of thinking if i should create one to document those sorts that make me think that i have a mind blowing life. yet laziness always gets the best of me, thinking that i do not write good anyway. the 4 year pol sci course did not help. the univesity of the philippines high school education did not also nourish my creative writing skills. you get what you pay for talaga.we only paid P40.00 (yes cuarenta pesos!) per sem for tuition fee.that explains

hehe.nevertheless ill still love to review the array of stuff that made me smile and feel alive(how cliche) haha

so for a start, id like to show a picture of me....=) ganda ko no?

that's me if i was korean.
but i'm not.I'm a proud Filipina

 im in the beauty industry by the way. creating and selling organic soaps with natural skin brightening benefits.and im super confident to claim that it works for me.that's shameless self promotion right there.

for more info about the organic soaps that i love, please visit
add us in facebook:!/cyleina

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