Monday, July 27, 2009

the weight issue

i became a recluse when i went to dubai, 4mos preggy and months later after i gave birth. pano ang taba taba ko. its like that pala when all your life you were so skinny and feeling sexy tapos you'll gain 50lbs.haha.i realized what depression means that time.gaining a lot of weight was madness.but i was also thankful, because i did not have the appetite to go out and mingle, instead i focused my energy on raising our baby and nurturing our business.and im happy to say that i met my goals and ive gained momentum. my baby is now 1 year and 3months and still exclusively breastfeeding, and the business is also growing at a favorable rate. thanks also to my very supportive husband.

anyhow id like to share what i look like year 2006, when i was still dating my then bf now husband.i was 115lbs

this pic was taken in dubai, 9mos preggy, days before i gave birth.I was 167lbs!
I was at my fattest.i have water retention all nose was uber fat,had double chin, and may face was siopao.

and this is my latest pic (taken july2009)
I now weigh 120lbs.

It feels great to lose the pregnancy weight. i was scared to be losyang and look like that forever.I love my hubby too much and i do not want him to feel cursed for having a losyang woman for a wife.and of course getting back to shape means that I am capable of discipline and taking good care of myself.its a good reflection on my personality .hindi ko naman pala pababayaan ang sarili kong maging unhealthy. i believe pa naman that in this superficial world, you have to look good so that many opportunities will come your way. hello most of the richest people on earth look good.there must be a good reason why.

so how did i lose all those fats?
i enrolled myself to a 4month gym membership
im drinking green tea 3cups a day
ate moderately, i rarely over feed helps that im not a glutton by nature
my diet consists mostly of fruits and veggies

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